Friday, September 29, 2006

Motherfuckin' Hippies shit.

I just smoked drugs with two of my bosses after work tonight. It was just me and them. I knew trader joe's was hippie but fuckin a. The bay area is a fucking trip.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

You ever heard of...?

A redneck special? It's delicious it's a can of pabst and a shot if Jim Beam. I highly recommend it when you're like pretty drunk and you want to put yourself over the edge. Tiltwheel is coming here on Sunday making life so much better. So cheers to that.

You ever notice that Fast Times At Ridgemont High makes Clairemont 100 times cooler than it really is? What the fuck is up with that? We've all been to Clairemont, hell I lived there, it's not that fucking cool. I want bitches aborting babies, dudes selling me some scalped tickets, and some stoned surfer that I can actually stand.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

My super cool show review!!!

I'm not really going to do one. So don't worry. I went and saw the Draft and the Larry Arms. It was cool besides one of the opening bands coked out drummer trying to talk to me about shit and a super annoying Merch guy that wouldn't let it go that he knew the bass player from the Ghost and how he is now the Larry Arm's tour manager. I hope your van crashes and only the two of you go flying out the front windshield and leave your stupid monkey faces all over the road.

What I'm really try to get at here people is that I fucking miss Hot Water Music. Seeing the draft was like getting super high and then coming down. I was stoked to see them and they were good but then I just started to think of Hot Water Music and it just fucking bummed me out. So a big fuck you goes out to both Hot Water Music and The Draft. I hate you both equally now. EERRRG SMASHHH HATE!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Watch this shit...

Stay Posi!

So my phone hasn't been charging so I've been trying to get a hold of T mobile. I'm walking home early this morning from work thinking about how T Mobile still hasn't gotten back to me. I'm starting to get pissed and I'm thinking to myself oh they say how they were voted number one for customer service. So then I start getting even more pissed like fuck those cocksuckers number one my ass they still haven't gotten back to me I'm gonna smash my fucking phone into a million pieces. So I get home and check my email and I get this polite and nice email from some dude that probably lives in India that gets paid in naan bread by T mobile. He apologizes for taking so long and informs me that my phone is still under warranty and that he contacted the people that I need to get a hold of to fix my phone and they should be contacting me soon. I'm totally the glass is half full kind of person. I'm gonna try to start being more positive about life and things. Oh wait, no I'm not. Motherfuck T mobile bitch ass motherfuckers should already have my motherfucking phone fixed. I hope they get E. coli.

And now a Degrassi Moment...

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Here we go again....

I don't know how I get myself into these blog things. I've got a live journal account but I don't really post on that thing anymore. I don't really like posting on it anyways I feel like I'm some creepy old dude at a high school party. So I guess I'm going to make this blog my main blog. Hoofuckingray. I'm sure the internet blog world is rejoicing after hearing this wonderful news. I'll see you around or something.