Saturday, April 17, 2010

What the cuss?

"Biggie was a prophet because super nintendo and sega genesis are still fucking awesome"

-William Freeman Bradford Moeser III

Saturday, April 19, 2008

It's not that what we're doing is wrong
But let's try to keep this a secret
Between me, you, and the song
A menage a trois that sings to me
When god plays along

What you want with a woman who won't do what you say?

I was sweet on her
She was sweet on Jesus
We slept with a blanket barrier between us
Master of her craft, I had her laughin like hyenas
When I asked her if she'd marry an elitist
Staggering genius in lace
With the grace of a drunken monk
The mask isn't seamless cause her face says something's up
But I don't dare ask her I just listen
Switchin to my good ear and adjusting my position
As she discusses Ginsberg I listened and learned
As she dispersed his words I just resisted the urge to do like he would
Whatever he wanted, if she allowed me to
She dangled that carrot then asked me:
"What would Bukowski do?"
Oh don't go there
He'd make you his mom and then completely lie about it in a book later on

Got up this morning
Didn't know right from wrong

Spirits were lifted when she whispered something French in my ear
Tension was there
When I responded in English it sounded less sincere
The sex in the air couldn't be left alone
So welcome to the Terrordome
A bedroom full of pheromones
Where nothing that we say is set in stone
If I thought it was for posterity I'd already be writing better poems
But I'm talking in extremes
Best this and best that
Best not regret anything that ever gets said to this hell cat
Creepin on all fours
Ready for combat
With secretive wars sneaking her claws in our contract
Bending every which way but loose with no proof that anything that we've suggested to this day is the whole truth

Got up this morning
Didn't know right from wrong

I heard her chemical romance was a medical slowdance
Said my advance was sexual
Held my genitals with cold hands
Set up the Coke cans
Broke out the Red Ryder
Then one by one I tried to knock down everything that's dead inside her
She used to treat street dividers like a balance beam
Arms spread wider than the legs in her dad's magazine
Re-enacting the pages that she got trapped between
I used it for kindling and then spilled the gasoline
Now I'm your water boy
I fetch it from your cheeks just like tennis balls
Smell the stench of your weakness on the bedroom walls
Somebody careless let em vaporize
"Who let these fall to the floor from your poor vacant eyes?"
This ain't a great first impression
But I work better on pages, they say words are my profession
Let me spell it out in simple language
Plain English
I want your suicide to be a book of mine that I never finish

Got up this morning
Didn't know right from wrong

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

"I love me some america I hate me some gooks" - Abraham Lincoln

I totally just voted. I wrote in Heath Ledger for President. RIP. I figure he's huge now that he's dead and there's no stopping him, except for the fact that he is dead. I also shaved a moustache cause if that isn't the ultimate fuck you faggot I'm an american I don't know what is. Other than that I'm broker than shit but life couldn't be better. Watch this stuff it's pretty funny.

If you've already seen that watch this:

Monday, November 12, 2007

Black Lung

I've gone three days without a cigarette. I'm on a roll here people. I'm gonna quit. It's a rip off. I'm already dying, why do I got to pay close to five bucks a day to give me that extra push. Looks like it's going to be a lot of big league chew from here on out.

And now some sweet youtube action. Chuck Ragan covering some leatherface and giving a shout out to Davey Tilt. Shit's tight.

Friday, August 31, 2007

One hell of a little old lady

Hi Gavin, Sorry I'm so long sending you a note - been kind of lonesome around here without Grandpa but I know he is at peace. We all went to Fort Rosecrans to see his ashes interned it's so beautiful there. Courtney will be back in San Diego August 28 and will stay here until she gets a job. You're welcome to come visit - we all love you and miss you. My brother is coming to visit in September for a week- it'll be fun having him here.

Ian and Felice are taking me to Kentucky in November to see my old hometown. Hopefully I'll stay well and can make the trip - anyway I think of you often - I love you. Take care and God bless. Here's $5.00 get an ice cream or a beer or candy.

Grandma Kay

Hello to Mason and his brother

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Text Message to Andrew Via 5:35 A.M.

John Mayer Sucks.

PS. Dad, "Waiting on the World to Change" sucks donkey dick. Just pound some Jack and Diet Cokes and crank up some fucking "Keep on Rocking in a Free World" and your mid-life crisis will work itself out just fine.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

How's that grab you Bob?

I had a dream the other night with my mom in it. They happen every once in a while. It's weird in my dreams with her in them I know I'm dreaming in the dream. Like a dream inside of a dream. Like even in my dream I know she's not alive so it's like lets go do some zany shit. What the fuck am I talking about? So they are usually pretty random. This last one was like oh hey Gavin since we're hanging out we're gonna go see Dinosaur Jr. at Amoeba and I was like fuck yeah Mom. So she gave me a ride but first she gave me my cigarettes without getting mad at me cause it was like hey it's your fucking dream I'm not gonna yell at you for smoking. But that's all I remember. Apparently my mom is down J, Lou, and Murph and I never knew about it. All I need is Dinosaur Jr., a pack of smokes, and my Mom and shits tight in dreamland.